LONDON KY—City of London Firefighter Zack Johns has received his National Emergency Medical Technician Certification. Johns’ certification allows the Department to better assist local emergency agencies.

“I’ve always wanted to do something that helps people,” Johns said.
Johns began his firefighter career volunteering through the London Fire Department and London-Laurel Rescue Squad for seven years. As a full-time firefighter for two years, he’s also received 400 firefighter certification hours, training to be a technician in hazmat, car seat installation, rope access, swift water rescue, and basic search and rescue.
“We’re proud of him for accomplishing his EMT Certification, he’s worked hard at it,” said Assistant Chief Donnie Hale of the London Fire Department.
Emergency Medical Technicians provide out of hospital emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical services (EMS) system. EMTs have the basic knowledge and skills necessary to stabilize and safely transport patients ranging from non-emergency and routine medical transports to life threatening emergencies. Emergency Medical Technicians are a critical link between the scene of an emergency and the health care system.
Throughout the year, the London Fire Department’s firefighters are always receiving training to better serve the City of London and better assist area emergency agencies. Johns is one of 10 full-time firefighters at the Department and one of two full-time first responders within the department with the EMT certification.